Destiny and perfection

I recently reached the conclusion that the word "destiny" concerns narrative structure, more than God or other higher beings. When I speek of destiny I am referring to the kind of perfection that it is possible to attribute to the history of humankind.
These thoughts are born of my interest in autobiography. It seems to me that the autobiographical form is the perfect model for any biography. As a perfect model, the subject of an autobiography is the perfect subject. His innate perfection renders him free of judgment.
This perfect subject of the model autobiography is bound to the single event as absolute contingency that thus rises to a general form for all specific cases, the parameter for all actual or future circumstance.
This perfection is not without consequence. The subject must bear its weight insofar as the only perfection he's concerned with is his own.
This does not mean that he is isolated as subject - perfect actor author. On the contrary, he is in constant, silent dialogue with all other subjects to whom he is bound by sentiments of the same painful condition.


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